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Web Crew
2 months ago
Prattle.Space will be closed in November 2024 due to lack of interest! We would like to thank everyone who was enthusiastic about our volunteer project.

If you are interested in purchasing the software, please do so by writing to Andreas - Email: palareasgmail.de

Thank you 😊
Web Crew
5 months ago (E)
That happens if you open your country to help muslim people:


No decency - they undermine our culture and beliefs and provoke wherever possible. Here they are at a German Christian Christmas market, drowning everything with their Allah chants - cheekiness and absolutely no behavior and they wondern why we don`t like them?!?
Web Crew
10 months ago
Did you know that we at Prattle-Space also have a detailed data #API ? So, just like #Twitter , you can create your own aps using our API.
Web Crew
12 months ago
Who thinks these blocks on #Twitter are completely #exaggerated because, for example, you have given too many likes and will be punished for 3 days with the like function revoked etc.

If I like something then I just give a like and I don't count how many more I can give . They should be happy that people are still so social and want to give likes!

Come to us prattle.space, there are no such stupid #barriers !
Web Crew
12 months ago
Don't you agree that normal private individuals without a legal background shouldn't decide what #hatespeech is or not?

Unfortunately, this is quite normal with #Twitter , #Facebook , etc., because all of these platforms can be #blackmailed because they are commercial companies that can then of course be blackmailed by countries or secret services with threats of financial losses.

For this reason Prattle.Space is only #voluntary , we pay everything out of our own pockets.
Web Crew
12 months ago
Schnappt Euch Eure #Freunde und Bekannten und ladet sie alle hier her zu uns ein. Prattle bietet gegenüber #Twitter den wirklich großen Vorteil, dass wir eine ehrenamtliche Plattform sind. Wir müssen also keinen Aktionären Rechenschaft ablegen wenn ein Land von uns möchte, dass wir die Meinungsfreiheit aufgeben und Privatpersonen darüber entscheiden was Recht oder #Hassrede ist.
Web Crew
1 yr. ago
ACHTUNG 😩😱 bei Twitter treibt gerade ein Hacker sein Unwesen und sendet Links zu Instagram etc., welche aber zu einem Backdoor Hack führen. Wer betroffen ist sofort Passwort ändern und Eure Twitter Einstellungen - "verbundene Apps" prüfen.

Folgt niemals einfach Links welche Euch per Nachricht gesendet werden ohne Euch zuvor mit der Person etwas im Chat unterhalten zu haben, um das Gegenüber einschätzen zu können.
Web Crew
1 yr. ago
Follow AFD_Sinisterium bei Twitter der Alternative für #Dummland
Web Crew
1 yr. ago (E)
You can use 500 characters per post and all posts can also be edited after the publication. So those are two of some advantages over Twitter. 😍
Web Crew
1 yr. ago
Habt keine #Angst hier einer der ersten 10000 Member zu sein. Traut Euch und macht Euch bitte die Mühe auch einmal einer neuen #Plattform eine #Chance zu geben. Wir haben es Euch super einfach gemacht - es reicht zur Registration wenn Ihr auf den #Twitter Button im Anmeldeformular klickt, dann werden Eure Twitter #Account Daten gespiegelt und Ihr spart Euch das nervige Ausfüllen per Tastatur. Wir freuen uns wirklich sehr auf jeden Einzelnen von Euch! 😁😎
Web Crew
1 yr. ago (E)
👉 Do you know that you can use a full #500 characters per post? With this you can communicate more than with only 280 at our friends from #Twitter .😎 Ohh ein by the way, you can also edit your post after it was posted!
Web Crew
1 yr. ago
Twitter vs Prattle
- Prattle is no buddy of the CIA
- Prattle runs under secure German privacy laws
- Prattle is cool Twitter just pure commerce
- Prattle is free of Musk
- Prattle is volunteer based
Join us its FREE

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